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Centers & Reservations

Customer Services Hours

West Center Box Office
8am-4pm, Monday-Friday
Call 520-625-0288

Center and Pool Hours

5:30am-9pm, 7 days a week

Family Swim Hours

West Center
Noon-9pm, Monday-Friday
5:30am-9pm, weekends and holidays
Abrego South
4-6pm, seven days a week
All other pools:
11am-1pm and 4-6pm, seven days a week

View Reservation Info

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  • Center Reservations

    Click here for the Reservation Request Form.

    GVR members may reserve GVR facilities at no cost as long as everyone who attends a function is a GVR member or a GVR guest (the guest(s) attending must live 20 miles or beyond GVR corporate boundaries). If you are making a reservation, you must ensure that guests attending have a proper guest pass. If non-members will attend, rental rates apply.

    GVR clubs must designate main contact(s) who relay reservation requests to GVR staff and sign reservation contracts.

    GVR members who want to reserve a room on an ongoing basis may reserve a room for up to four months at a time. See Four-month-Reservation-Option.

    Questions? Email All room reservations are subject to availability and a priority list established by the Board of Directors. All reservations are subject to change based on corporate needs. Reservation priority list:

    1. Essential corporate business
    2. Recreation programs such as special events, classes and lessons, concerts, annual festivals, and performances
    3. Club one-time annual special events
    4. Regularly scheduled club meetings and activities (weekly and monthly) per current operation guidelines
    5. HOA and community meetings, events, and rentals
    6. Private member functions and four-month groups

    Catering Policy

    GVR Caterers List 2024-2025

    GVR members are not restricted to an approved list of caterers. While GVR will maintain a list of authorized caterers for convenience, members may choose any caterer licensed by Pima County. A copy of the caterer’s license must be submitted when finalizing the reservation.

    Caterer fees have been eliminated. However, all users reserving grills or kitchens at major centers will be charged a cleaning fee.


    • See Facilities Fees which includes room sizes.
    • Any group that includes non-GVR members is considered a non-member group, and rental fees are charged for facility use.
    • All non-GVR groups must submit (in writing) a request for a room with details about the event before a reservation is approved.
    • All reservations must have one contact person who will sign the contract. The contact person must read, sign, and agree to the Terms and Conditions. See Terms and Conditions form.


    Summary of  Reservations’ Policies Changes

    1. Private member activities and Four-month Groups must have a minimum of six attendees to make a reservation. 
    2. Four-month groups must maintain attendance of six or more GVR members. If attendance falls below the minimum for more than two weeks in a row, remaining reservations may be canceled. 
    3. Groups that fail to arrive for their reserved activity may lose their reservation privileges for up to six months.
    4. Four-month groups are limited to one reservation per week.
      • Where static setups exist in reserved rooms, four-month groups will self-help to rearrange as needed and return the room to the established static setup before they leave. 
      • Four-month groups are limited to four hours per reservation.
    5. Memorials and celebrations of life for members and members of their immediate families are not subject to fees.
    6. No rentals by businesses for the purpose of conducting business will be permitted. This allows businesses to rent rooms for staff retreats or staff parties.
    7. Sports facilities (for example, a pool or an entire array of courts) may only be reserved by a GVR club formed with the express purpose of pursuing activities associated with that facility.
    8. Some spaces will always be reserved/rented together. For instance, if reserving the auditorium and kitchen at West Center, one must also reserve or rent Room 1. 
    9. Audible media is not permitted in communal areas (for example, lobbies, picnic areas, sports courts, fitness centers) except for GVR-sponsored special events, special club events by reservation, and GVR dances. 
    10. Members no longer need to seek GVR permission to include adult beverages in their activities.
    11. Members are not limited to using caterers on an approved list. GVR maintains a list of authorized caterers. Members are free to engage any caterer currently licensed by Pima County if they submit a copy of the caterer’s license at the time the reservation is finalized.
      • Caterer fees no longer apply. All users reserving grills or kitchens in major centers will pay a cleaning fee.
    12. Clubs are required to provide staff with copies of keys to storage areas or storage containers on GVR property. 
    13. Damage deposits, as identified in the operational policy, are required for rentals by non-GVR members and may be required for member use depending on the nature of the member activity. (Effective immediately)

    Coffee and tea service will no longer be offered. Staff will provide water and paper cups. Groups that wish to serve coffee or tea will bring their own as they do their other refreshments. This will save the dues-funded operation budget approximately $10,000 each season.

Major Centers


Administrative Office (AO)

1070 S. Calle de las Casitas
(520) 625-3440


Canoa Hills (CH)

3660 S. Camino del Sol


Canoa Ranch (CR)

5750 S. Turquoise Mountain Dr.

Desert Hills (DH)

2980 S. Camino del Sol


East Center (EC)

7 S. Abrego Dr.


Las Campanas (LC)

565 W. Belltower Dr.


Santa Rita Springs (SRS)

921 W. Via Rio Fuerte


West Center

1111 S. GVR Dr.
Box Office: (520) 625-0288

Satellite Centers


Abrego North (ABN)

1601 N. Abrego Dr.


Abrego South (ABS)

1655 S. Abrego Dr.


Casa Paloma I (CPI)

400 W. Circulo del Paladin


Casa Paloma II (CPII)

330 N. Calle de las Banderolas


Continental Vistas (CV)

906 W. Camino Guarina


Del Sol Clubhouse (DSC)

3355 S. Camino del Sol


Madera Vista (MV)

440 S. Camino del Portillo


Pickleball Center (GVR PBC)

2612 S. Camino de la Canoa